Monday 12 August 2013

Mr. Baier said Mr. Spitzer’s signature suggests he “does not like to beat around the bush” and has a “pretty big ego.”

“Boy, he wants you to get to the point,” Mr. Baier said. “People who talk very slowly probably drive him crazy. He probably finishes their sentences for them.”

Mr. Baggett had trouble deciphering Mr. Spitzer’s first name on the document sent to him by the Journal, mistaking Eliot for “Carol.” But Mr. Baggett said the signature shows the writer is good at leading a small group or project.

Mr. Spitzer’s worst quality, based on his signature, is a penchant to be “dominant and controlling,” Mr. Baggett said.
Former Comptroller Bill Thompson’s signature suggests he does not show emotion.“He’s ruled by his head, not his heart,”“He’d be very cool under pressure.”Mr. Baggett described Mr. Thompson’s signature as the “most self controlled and objective” of the ones he reviewed. But he’s not going to be the most dynamic politician, he said.“He is logical, he is cool under pressure, he is a bit self-centered and that lacks impulsiveness.  He’s also secretive and he keeps his emotions close to the vest,” Mr. Baggett said. “He would be a great poker player, however he is not the smartest candidate and he is not the most egomaniacal candidate.”
his signature suggests “he likes to be seen exactly for who he is,” Each letter in his signature is identifiable, she said.“People like this cannot fake it and don’t want to fake it,” she said.Mr. Lhota’s signature as one of his favorites because he has “fluidity, he is emotionally expressive” and he’s “basically transparent.”His ego is completely in check, meaning that he has a healthy normal self-esteem and he is not a narcissist, which is a wonderful thing for a politician to not be because most politicians are a narcissist,”Mr. Lhota’s signature suggests he has a firm code of ethics and he’s going to get the job done.
the former congressman’s signature suggests he’s “going to enjoy seeing posters of himself.”
“He has a very good opinion of himself,”.Mr. Weiner writes “like an epileptic chicken.”“He has irritation at himself. He has irritation at others,” he added. “His signature is nothing but a one big stroke, which essentially means arrogance, ego and hiding of one’s inner self.”Ms. Peterson described Mr. Weiner’s signature as “threading” because none of the letters can be made out.“People that thread will often will act out without consideration of others,” she said. “It’s a sign of arrogance.”

An Analysis of Mayoral Candidate Signatures, Revealed in New Filings:

John Catsimatidis’s signature is basically illegible which indicates a sense of arrogance and speed of thinking.It is one big jigsaw, which indicates a fast hyper-analytical, in fact, probably social, friendly, outgoing and laser-sharp thinking processes.

The first letter in Mr. Catsimatidis’s signature – the J – is what handwriting experts call a “revenge stroke.That means he would be a “formidable enemy and has a long memory of those that did him wrong.This guy has a large ego.

Mr. Catsimatidis is analytic, masculine, aggressive, extroverted and tense. Of the signatures she analyzed, she called his the most “dynamic” — but warned he could have a temper.

the line striking through Mr. Catsimatidis’s signature concerned her because it indicates there’s something within him that he finds displeasing, saying it represents something self destructive.

signature suggests he’s a bit controlling. “He likes to be in charge,”

Asked for his response to the experts’ analysis, Mr. Catsimatidis replied, “It’s largely true and it’s scary how largely true it is, except for the arrogant and ego part and the self-destructive part.”
Mr. Catsimatidis said he is analytic and a quick decision maker. “If you give me all the facts, I can make 20 important decisions in five minutes,” he said.

Analysis of handwriting of EDWARD SNOWDEN :

Edward Snowden is perhaps the most hunted man in the world after whistle blowing top USA government secrets.
From the base line we can see that Edward is very much optimistic person 
Most striking to me is Snowden’s signature where he scratches out his name but also forms a strong triangle shape on the end. This reveals self loathing but also determination. This could have to do with the current situation he is in rather than referencing a constant frame of mind. He also seems angry, annoyed (with himself)..

The writer’s preference for printing rather than cursive, while typical of his generation, also reveals someone who prefers privacy, hides his personality from others   (Some cursive mixed in with the printing reveals an intuitive nature)

He is very attentive to detail, judging by how he dots his i’s close to the stem

small middle zone (a.o etc) show he is having a great concentration power, of spending alone as Einstein.

From the letter d which are taller than normal shows he has wants people to treat him with lot of pride and dignity. 
The letter d in Federation tells us that he has a desire for cultural things such as travel , exotic adventure , writing , music and fine food. 

The Letter P which has a loop tells us that he has strong desire for physical activity in this case it could be exercise , travel .

 The letter O which we can see it closed which tells us that he is blunt and honest when asked for his opinion.

 The Capital I tells us he has a very good personal Ego .

 The small I tells us that he gets irritated at others very easily. 

The distance between words tells us that he keeps distance between others and have very few close people or friends . 

The straight Y tells us that he likes to do his work all along has not space for others in his work .

 The T in federation tells us he do procrastinate at times. The T in request shows he tries to control over an action ,or situation in his life.

 The letter E shows he is a silent listener. 

letter m shows he is diplomatic.

Finally coming to his signature which shows that he has desire for culture shown from the E of Edward has good fluidity of thoughts while completing any work. But mess up the work which is shown by the cutting of D of Edward which goes back and comes to the right side. But he completes the work with lot of determination Which shows lot of anger against the person or company he is .