Wednesday 31 July 2013


please follow the page if you like , and you may ask for help whenever required


  1. first stroke high --- pride< may be of family>,
  2. subservient behaviour< obey others without question>
  3. first and second stroke even--contentedness, happy is both even
  4. loop at begginning decietful, hypocrisy behaviour
  5. second stroke higher than the first and third, false pride,arrogant
  6. separate strokes liveliness, eccentricity<strange behaiour>
  7. heavy stroke last, depicts energy
  8. last stroke with perioad , ie love for posseison
  9. shy behaviour if upward go slope, +pride and senstiveness
  10. wavy line--amiable, and enthusiam<feeling strong>
  11. long down end-- love for domestic life
  12. u forming in between --highly amiable,generous

rest to be continued6969696969696969696969 soon