Wednesday 7 August 2013

Why is someone shy?

There are many factors that may result someone one towards shyness:
  1. Extreme disconnectedness : In interpersonal relationships, such individuals are contact-shy. They shun involvement on the emotional level. They reject close relationships and show little interest in others emotional responses and needs.
  2.  Size In Handwriting :  People who use tall capital letters are often tall themselves; yet people who use tall initials are people who think tall and think of themselves as superior. Those who use short capital letters are often shy or modest people.

Large writing can portray someone who is superior, takes pride, outgoing and extrovert, arrogant, boastful or they put on an act of confidence. Small handwriting can mean people who are respectful, tolerable, introvert, shy, deep thinkers or academic.

Letters which reach into the upper zones such as t, l, h, b and d, if they are very extended then the person probably has unrealistic expectations of what they can truly achieve. Wide upper zone loops can show people who are deep thinkers and dreamers; then those whose letters go up then down directly over themselves are often un-imaginative.

Letters in the lower zone like g, j, q, p and y; f can also be in this category, but it usually crosses through all three zones. If they are straight it shows people who like to get the job done; those who loop them are often full of energy, good at making and investing money, or/and need security.

Small letters mean the person is shy, but has a good eye for detail

  3. sometimes over -domination of others: 
sloping upward sometimes depicts that person is shy so he is allowing the unknown environment to dominate over him.