Saturday 17 August 2013

Detecting laziness:

Rounded Letter: Writing of this type has rounded formations. It seems as if the writer has written in comfort and at leisure. These people are lazy, luxurious, and hate to do hard work. They have all the time in the world to chat but still think that they are busy. However, they are also peace- loving, law-abiding and crave the better things in life.

Each stroke in your handwriting reveals something about you. Take a look at the lower-case 't's in your handwriting and notice how you cross them. Is more of the t-bar located on the left side of the stem, more on the right, are they equally balanced, or do you see some of each? A 't' crossed predominately on the left is a sign of procrastination. When you don't finish crossing a 't', you are expressing that something is unfinished in your life. If most of your 't's are crossed on the left, then you habitually procrastinate. But is procrastination a bad thing?
What is Passive Procrastination?
If you put things off because you have trouble making decisions, when you are overwhelmed by an upcoming task, or you can't get motivated, you are a passive procrastinator. Fear, stubbornness, anger, defiance, or low self-esteem can unconsciously trigger procrastination. If you don't meet a deadline or you make mistakes in the rush to complete a task, you may feel out of control, stressed, depressed or embarrassed. Unless you don't care, which is another topic altogether!
What is Active Procrastination?
On the other hand, if you consciously put off a task or a decision because you need more time to plan or investigate, or because you already have too much on your plate, then you are actively procrastinating. You aren't avoiding a task. You are prioritizing and taking steps to successfully complete it. You may or may not finish on time, but you will not feel like a failure under those circumstances.
Procrastination is a complex trait.
Balanced t-bar handwriting sample I have only scratched the surface here. Whether you are a passive or active procrastinator, look at the nature of the things you put off to discover when and why you do so. Find ways to resolve those issues.
To help eliminate procrastination, start crossing your 't's with the same amount of t-bar on the left of the stem as on the right. You will eventually create a new neural pathway in your brain to establish the behavior of getting things done.

i dot: An “i”-dot which is placed to the left side of the stem is a sure shot sign of procrastination and also highlights negative attitude. It also points out lack of self-confidence. The placement of “i” dot to the left of the stem represents the past and reveals that the writer loves to live in the past.

Short lower loops: expose the individual entirely disinterested in physical activity.
disinterested in physical activity, possible laziness ,sedentary.
Pressure:Pressure takes a certain amount of physical exertion, and the soft-tipped pen user enjoys the easy flow of ink over the page. Soft-tipped pens are a cop-out for physical labor. However, they are also used by artists and sensual people. Check with other Trait match signs to determine if the writer is lazy.
good memory 
gentle, cultural 
avoids confrontation 
prefers intellectual approach 
Clarity involves all of the basic factors of handwriting analysis
in a positive way. It's a good idea to keep in mind that when
clarity in a written sample is combined with-

* A slight, right slant = interest in communicating with others;
* Medium size writing = willingness to contact others physically and mentally
*Balanced expansion = reaching out to become involved.
*Even margins = good sense of self-identity within the environment.
*Good spacing between letters = generosity of time, money energy.
*Good spacing between words = interest in social contacts.
*Good space between lines = ability to think clearly and separate ideas.
* Clear formation of letters = wish to impart information and consideration for others.

Illegible writing, whether scribbled by a world-wise scientist or by your inexperienced job applicant, indicates the individual who doesn't have the time or inclination to communicate. Someone once mentioned that the less legible the writing, the more intelligent the writer. Ever since then, some people have hidden their laziness and inconsideration behind that remark.
One secretary complained, ''My boss is such a terrible writer I can hardly make out what he means. Last week he didn't read over a letter before he signed it and I had typed something all wrong. I got bawled out. I think it was his fault, don't you?''
You bet! But secretaries aren't the only ones who suffer. Ask your local pharmacist, for instance.
Illegible script is the curse of good communication, and writing is-first and foremost -communication.
Many bosses have an executive type of mind; sharp, alert, quick. But the employer who doesn't take the time or effort to make his written thoughts clear enough to be translated by a secretary or anyone else is both inconsiderate and lacking in common sense.
Speed is the prime offender. We think faster than our fingers can move. Unless control is exercised over both thoughts and fingers, the results are usually unreadable.
There are, however, other reasons for illegibility in handwriting. It may be caused by emotional stress or an illness resulting in muscular impairment or hysteria. Also, a dishonest person hides his intentions behind poor writing.

Illegibility maybe caused by more serious reasons than speed or inconsideration. When the physical or mental vitality of a writer is impaired through the use of drugs or alcohol, illegible writing is often a result. The uneven baseline is usually the first clue, signaling the lack of motor control. Letters not clearly formed due to speed may occur in everywriting at anytime, but when a sequence of letters fails to make sense, there is more than speed or inconsistency at work. If this is repeated on a page or two of writing, drop that application in the round file. You don't need the problems that can be brought to your workplace by this kind of employee.
III health often shows up in illegible writing especially if the writing also has weak pressure. There just is not enough vitality there for the writer to get through a good day's work. However, we all have our off days. If all other factors are favorable, and you might like to have him on your work team, suggest he comeback another time to repeat his writing sample.

Small letter “f”: made with return strokes turned sharply to left denotes a vindictive nature. Such a person is revengeful and very lazy.

The base line: that show pessimism is also the indicator of lazyness , if pressure is light


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