Wednesday, 14 August 2013

is lonely a need of yours?

Word Spacing

We speak and we pause to breathe at the end of a thought. Some people speak quickly wih less breathing space between their words than others do. Some people speak so fast that their words run into one another. The spaces between words have been compared to taking a breath in speech and reveal one’s need for social distance. How much space do you need in order to feel comfortable around other people?

The amount of space a writer leaves between words is a good indication of how much personal space she demands from others and the degree of self-restraint she uses in social situations. What is a “normal” amount of space between words? A good rule of thumb is to use the width of a letter m in the writing you are analyzing.


Compressed spacing between words- needs to be close to others; likes crowds.
Average spacing between words- feels comfortable contact with others.

Wide spacing between words- avoids people contact; has problems dealing with others.

Notice the word spacing on the note below. The writing indicates a person who isolates themselves from others. He or she has difficulty dealing with others so would avoid people contact, if possible.
 This is the handwriting of Ted Kaczinski the "uni-bomber," who lived like a hermit in an isolated cabin in Montana. He had difficulty dealing with people and society in general.
All wide space writers aren't like Ted, but they usually avoid people contact as much as possible. Many wide space writers are married and have children, but, even then, they are usually loners. They normally have a hobby, second job or some other excuse to avoid the family and friends as much as possible.

Ideally, the spacing should be twice the size of the middle zone letters, such as a, o, m, n and s.


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