Friday, 16 August 2013

Building Concentration part 2:

Hi everyone!

I hope you read the previous blog. If you haven’t, please go back and read it, so that you can join us in learning about your level of concentration!

  I hope you practiced writing small and so on. Did you come to any conclusions about the ‘size’ of your handwriting? I hope you will leave me a comment and let me know!   Here are more samples of large, and small handwriting as well as medium:
If your handwriting falls in the small category, you have the ability to center attention, to the exclusion of other interest (very good concentration).

The standard height of ‘small’ handwriting is one-sixteenth of an inch-very small. This intense concentration will effect all other traits in handwriting.  Got a temper? The intensity of that temper will be greater. 

This writer will stay focused on the project at hand. He can shut out the world and concentrate on his work. This kind of writer will not have a wondering mind.

He will come off as very reserved, quiet, not liking a lot of attention on himself.  You can count on him to do well under pressure, and he will be sure to pay attention to details.

They may seem non-social, and can stay quite busy alone.  So, the very small writer is interesting, a little misunderstood, but usually very focused, and intelligent.

On the other hand…if you have large handwriting, you are a lot more social, and your attentions will be more scattered to many things. Why have one project when you can have 5 going at one time!

This writer likes to be around people, and likes attention. They really need to be appreciated, and loved by other people. They don’t feel comfortable alone.

This person would hate a desk job, he likes to interact with others. These people don’t worry about the small stuff, they just go on to something else. Don’t ignore them-just love them!

Unfortunately, they have scattered energies in all directions, which makes it harder for them to concentrate on one thing at a time. (if you are an emotional person-you will need to ‘waste’ some energy by letting off steam-concentration wouldn’t help here.)

  So the larger writer will have many interests, which can make for an interesting person.

The medium writer I guess you would say, has the best of both worlds in a way. He can give a little more attention,but not intensely.

I hope this has helped you in understanding yourself, and others a little more.  If you have any questions, I will try and answer them if I can.  Leave me a comment of how this has helped you!

Thanks, and God bless! Remember, keep your chin up, and those t-bars higher!  I leave you with Proverbs 22:4  “By humility and the fear of the Lord are riches and honor and life.”  Amen!



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